Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Jets Own Dolphins 70-0

The horrible season for the 4-8 Dolphins just got a little worst after being decimated by the Jets and our Defense and not even putting up a single point in a 70 point shutout. Courtesy of the New York Jets defense and our fans. The Dolphins came into our stadium expecting to not only win this game, but take our winning streak away, they expected to start a little streak of their own, but it looks like the Jets were not having it. It if was not our stifling D, or our uncontrollable offense, LOOK guys, I don't know where to start. We beat the holy hell out of them, and this division is ours!! I'm happy to take the AFC East Trophy back home to New York, where it has not been in a long time. Great Game guys, you guys deserve this, both teams deserve this. Expecially the Dolphins who said we deserve a Ass kicking this weekend, and they were going to serve it to us. HA, even if we did deserve it, you were not to give it to us.

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